Attention Clients

Our office is open and available for remote video and telephone consults. We are set up to represent you remotely VIA Zoom and are still here to help with your legal options during this time.

Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC
Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC

Steven: My name is Steven Tomeo and I’ve been practicing law since 1969. Initially, I practiced in Ohio where I had a generalized practice but did a fair amount of DUI work early in my career.

Attorney Tomeo Has Been Practicing Law in Connecticut Since 1977

Then, in 1977, I was admitted to the bar in Connecticut, and I practiced with an attorney for about two and a half years, handling criminal law and personal injury work. Then, I went out on my own and started a general practice.

After Working in General Practice, Attorney Tomeo Decided to Focus Exclusively on Defending Dui Charges

Even though I had a general practice, I did handle a small amount of criminal work. About 10 years ago, I decided I just wanted to focus on handling DUI work and I started a practice handling those cases exclusively.

Attorney Tomeo Believes in Defending Citizens’ Civil Rights and Dui Defense Concentrates on Preserving the Protection Afforded by the Constitution’s Fourth and Six Amendments

Interviewer: What made you want to focus on DUI defense?

Steven: I liked the idea that the cases focused on a few constitutional issues, namely, the Fourth Amendment and Sixth Amendment to the US Constitution. On a more practical basis, I thought that kind of defense was a little more recession-proof.

Attorney Tomeo Established Satellite Offices throughout the State

In addition to that and because of the nature of the practice in Connecticut, I thought I would like to have multiple law offices throughout the state, generally satellite offices. I set those up so that I could be available to more of the concentrated population in the State of Connecticut.

Interviewer: When you say satellite offices, does that mean that they’re by appointment only? How does a satellite office service a client?

Attorney Tomeo Has Six Offices in Connecticut

Steven: Well, our offices at Hartford and Pomfret are fully staffed, so it’s not appointment only. In Waterbury, Westport, New London and Norwich, they’re satellite offices, and we meet people there by appointment.

Interviewer: The good thing is that, no matter where someone is in Connecticut, you have an office close by to them.

Steven: There’s an office close by to them, and it’s less driving for them and very accessible.

Interviewer: So you have 44 years of experience in law?

Steven: I do.

Interviewer: That’s amazing. Well, when people consider hiring you, I mean, everyone says “experienced counsel.” But you do possess a vast amount of experience.

Steven: Well, I hope so, but it seems like in today’s day and age, it’s a young man’s world. It seems like a lot of people feel more comfortable talking to a younger person rather than an older, more experienced person.

More Information

(860) 764-2744