Attention Clients

Our office is open and available for remote video and telephone consults. We are set up to represent you remotely VIA Zoom and are still here to help with your legal options during this time.

Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC
Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC

Interviewer: When does someone have to face county jail and how long would they have to do that? What sort of scenario would land them in county jail in regards to DUI?

Connecticut Does Not Have County Jail Facilities, Only State Facilities

Steve Tomeo: In Connecticut, we only have state-wide institutions. We don’t have a county system of government in Connecticut, so we just have state institutions. If you’re convicted of any crime, whether it be a misdemeanor or a felony, you go to a designated statewide prison that’s classified in accordance to whether it’s minimum security, high security, maximum security, the level of security required of you depending on whether it’s a crime of violence or not. I have given the criminal penalties previously. They are in CGSA Sec. 14-227a.

Alternatives to Incarceration with a DUI Conviction

Interviewer: What are some other options or alternatives people have? Suspended Sentences May Entail Supervised Probation, Lifestyle Restrictions and Random Testing

 Steve Tomeo: If you receive a suspended sentence with probation, you don’t go to jail and you have to report to your probation officer periodically and follow his or her instructions on what you can do what you cannot do. You may be subject to random urine, breath or blood tests to see if on any particular day you have alcohol and/or drugs in your system when you’re not supposed to. In CT jail penalties are mandatory except for a first offense the Assistant State’s Attorney can offer 100 hours of Community Service in lieu of the 48 hours of minimum mandatory jail time.

If You Are Incarcerated, You May Be Eligible for Early Release by Meeting Certain Criteria

If you receive a conviction and you are sentenced to jail and it’s not a completely suspended sentence, then you’ve got to go to jail for the time specified unless the Commissioner of Corrections releases you earlier. They have a whole system of when you can be released, what you have to do in prison in order to obtain early release, if you’re paroled out.

Connecticut Incarceration Length Escalates for Multiple DUIs

In Connecticut under our drunk-driving laws, if you’re a first offender, 48 hours is mandatory, six months is the maximum. If you’re a second offender, 120 days is mandatory and two years is the maximum. If you’re a third offender, one year is mandatory, three years is the maximum. On the mandatory sentences, you have to serve the time, but there are some classifications in the prison system that can allow you out on mandatory minimum DUI jail sentences earlier than what you’ve been sentenced to. It varies from whether you’re a first offender, second offender, third offender or more.

(860) 764-2744