Frequently Asked Questions About DUI Charges In Connecticut
In this article, you can discover:
- Why it’s generally not advisable to plead guilty right away to a DUI charge in Connecticut
- What constitutes a felony DUI in Connecticut and the aggravating factors that can make a drunk driving charge a felony
- Information on your rights regarding field sobriety tests, answering an officer’s questions during a traffic stop, and taking a blood or breath test, and what to do if your Miranda rights were violated.
Are There Benefits To Pleading Guilty Right Away To A DUI Charge In Connecticut?
It may be tempting to plead guilty right away to a DUI charge, but in most cases, there are no benefits to doing so. Unless the prosecutor offers an excellent deal or the defendant has information that can be used to their advantage, it’s not advisable to plead guilty right away.
What Is A Felony DUI In Connecticut? What Aggravating Factors Can Make A Drunk Driving Charge A Felony?
In Connecticut, a DUI charge can be elevated to a felony if you have been convicted of DUI multiple times. A second, third, or fourth DUI offense in Connecticut can all be charged as felonies.
Do I Have The Right To Have An Attorney When An Officer Asks Me To Conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests?
If an officer asks you to conduct standardized field sobriety tests, you have the right to refuse the tests. You do not have the right to an attorney in this situation because you are not yet in custody or arrested.
What Should I Say If An Officer Initiates A Traffic Stop And Asks If I Have Been Drinking?
While it is not necessary to answer the officer’s questions, you also do not want to lie to them. It is best to remain silent or say that you choose not to answer the question.
Will Choosing To Not Answer The Officer’s Question Impact My Case?
You have the right to refuse to answer an officer’s question, and that will not impact your case. However, lying to the officer may constitute a crime or harm your case later on. It’s best to say nothing or tell the truth… and saying nothing is often your best option.
Should I Agree To Take A Blood Or Breath Test During The Stop Orders?
Whether or not you should agree to take a blood or breath test during a stop order is a difficult question to answer without the assistance of an attorney.
In Connecticut, the police will advise you to take a breath, blood, or urine test after an arrest. If you have never had a DUI before, it’s generally better to take the test. However, it’s best to call a DUI attorney or an attorney who practices criminal defense to get advice.
I Was Not Read My Miranda Rights, Can I Have My Case Dismissed?
Miranda warnings are given to a person after they’ve been arrested and before they’ve been interrogated. If the police fail to give Miranda warnings when they should, the defendant’s statements may be inadmissible in court.
However, it’s difficult to get a case dismissed based solely on a Miranda rights violation. The prosecutor may argue that the defendant’s rights were not violated, and it’s challenging to get a case dismissed without significant resources and effort.
For more information on FAQs About DUI Charges In Connecticut, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (860) 963-7441 today.

(860) 963-7441