Attention Clients

Our office is open and available for remote video and telephone consults. We are set up to represent you remotely VIA Zoom and are still here to help with your legal options during this time.

Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC
Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC

FAQs From The Internet

A: This is triggered by a DUI arrest and you may request a hearing when you get the DMV suspension notice letter—you have 7 days from the date of that letter to make the request.
A: The fees differ from attorney to attorney. However, lawyers are required to have you sign a fee agreement.
A: If you are granted the pretrial alcohol education program the Judge will give you a dismissal date provided you complete all programs as ordered. If you forget your date, call your attorney if represented; go to your case on the Judicial Website; call the court clerk office for the Court where your case was or call the office of the Bail Commissioner at the same Court.
A: No suspension means you can drive. If you have a license you can drive until your license expires or is suspended.
A: You cannot operate a boat under the influence. Cars and boats are virtually the same as the DUI laws apply to them.
A: You can get the DUI reports at the DMV by making a request once your case is set up at the DMV. At Court, the prosecutors generally have an open file policy for copying your file documents. Some require a discovery request.
A: There are health regulations governing these as well as 0.08% BAC being the legal limit. There are timeline rules as to when the first test must be given as well as a second test. There are rules governing DMV Administrative Per Se Suspensions based upon the BAC results.
A: I referred the person to my website for educational purposes.
A: The first test must be given within 2 hours of operation and the second test must be given no sooner than 10 minutes after the first test. These are the basic timelines.
A: A conviction for a First Offense DUI can result in a jail sentence of 6 months in jail of which 48 hours may not be suspended.

(860) 963-7441

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