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Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC
Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC


Not only does being convicted of a DUI come with a host of serious civil and criminal penalties, you might also find yourself facing societal stigma. Most adults have probably driven after having one drink too many, but that doesn’t stop people from judging those who’ve been arrested for “drunk driving.”

If you’ve been pulled over for driving under the influence, the sooner you contact a DUI defense lawyer, the better. Your attorney will work to mitigate the painful criminal consequences that the state of Connecticut imposes for DUIs.

Steven Tomeo has over 50 years of experience providing vigorous representation to Connecticut clients who have been charged with DUI. His skill in criminal defense related to DUI cases is unmatched in the state, and he is dedicated to preserving your legal rights and fighting to have your charges reduced or dismissed to a lesser offense. Having the right lawyer can make all the difference when it comes to protecting your future against a first or subsequent DUI offense.

Call Now To Set Up A Free Consultation(860) 963-7441

DUI Offenses In Connecticut

The state of Connecticut prohibits drivers from operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. You are, therefore, committing a DUI offense if you operate a vehicle while impaired or with a BAC of 0.08% or higher. (The legal limit is 0.04% for commercial vehicle drivers and 0.02% for drivers under 21 years of age.) Were you to cause an accident involving the serious injury or death of another person while drunk driving, your charge could be enhanced, meaning you would face worse criminal penalties.

The Consequences of a DUI Conviction in Connecticut

Conviction for a first-time DUI offense can result in severe consequences that will follow you around in the form of a criminal record. Not only could you be facing jail time, but you could also receive heavy fines, have your driving privileges revoked, and be forced to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle. That’s not to mention the social ramifications. Your criminal record could make finding or holding a job or housing difficult, and your social standing within your community, family, and professional industry could suffer. Once you pay off your fines and fees, you’ll continue to pay higher insurance rates.

It’s no exaggeration to say that consequences such as those can ruin your life, but is that really fair for making one mistake, one error in judgment? An experienced first-offense OUI/DUI attorney is paramount to shielding your life, your license, and your reputation from the worst of the negative implications before it’s too late. By hiring an attorney here in Connecticut, you can communicate a clear message to the prosecuting attorneys that you’re taking your charge very seriously and intend to fight against a conviction. As such, consider your attorney the ultimate investment in your future.

At Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC, we are a compassionate team of attorneys who will put your best interests first and guide you through the entire DUI defense process to achieve the best possible outcome. Working with a seasoned first conviction DUI attorney like Steven Tomeo not only increases your chance for a better outcome, but it also limits how much time you might have to miss from work and how much money you have to pay in fines and legal fees.

Call Now To Set Up A Free Consultation(860) 963-7441

Put Your DUI Case Behind You Sooner Rather Than Later with Highly Skilled Legal Representation from Steven A. Tomeo & Associates, LLC

If you have a pending DUI case here in Eastford, Connecticut, do not wait until it is too late to spare yourself from the worst consequences. Contact Steven A. Tomeo & Associates as soon as possible to begin minimizing the damage you face and putting this situation behind you as quickly as possible.

It’s not enough to search top DUI lawyers near you; you need a law firm with decades of combined experience in DUI defense and aggressive approaches with successful track records in court. Attorney Steven Tomeo and our legal team have extensive experience in defending against first offense and subsequent DUI charges. We’re not afraid to go into a courtroom and fight hard for you because we care about your situation. You’re not just another client to bill for us; you’re someone worthy of protecting from the intense legal consequences here in Connecticut. Furthermore, we can offer you the personalization that you’d expect from hiring a small law firm, but with the results that are typically secured by larger, well-connected firms.

In your initial, complimentary consultation with our DUI lawyer, we can discuss the details of your case, provide you with our opinion, and inform you what is the most suitable course of action. We’re here to explain the legal process you’re facing and answer all of your questions. We are dedicated to serving as a protective shield between you and the criminal court system.

Schedule your free initial consultation immediately!

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